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Sauna Belt

Kode: Sauna Belt
Harga: 85.000

We’ll make beauty works for you :-
Sweat away tension and stress while targeting the waist, hips, back or thighs with the easy to attach Velform Sauna Belt. This portable sauna focuses therapeutic heat on your most problematic body parts to help with pain relief and encourage your body’s natural elimination process through sweating.

Now you won’t need to leave the house to work up a sweat, with Sauna Belt you can just relax in the comfort of your own home.

- Self-Limiting Temperature Control Gauge
- Made With Very High Quality Materials
- 68 Inch Built In Power Cord
- Auto-Shut-Off After 50 Minutes
Description & Use:-
Sweat away unwanted fats at the press of a button …with Sauna belt. At times some troubling question might knock your mind such as:
When will I get relieve from back pain?
Why I can’t lose weight rapidly?
How can I burn those unnecessary calories?
Would I suffer from obesity in the upcoming years?
With the use of this crème de le crème weight loosing device one can get back the perfect shape and looks.

The Sauna Belt works by heating on those body parts where the excess weight has to be reduced.
It cuts down fats, cellulite, relax the muscles and simultaneously the wearer can watch TV, laze in the room, complete the household works, read a novel or indulge in anything desired.
No exhausting workouts, no heavy weight loss equipments, no intake of harmful pills or syrup. All you need is simply superb Sauna belt.
Burn those excessive calories around abdomen, waist, back and thighs without tiring workout sessions and see your obesity disappearing amazingly.
Moreover it enhances the metabolism and relaxes the stressed muscle right instantaneously.

Instructions For Use:-
1. Strap The Sauna Belt Around The Chosen Body Part (Abdomen, Waist Or Hips). The Sauna Belt Should Completely Surround Your Body Without Getting Creased, Doubled Over Or Folded. Do Not Strap The Sauna Belt On Too Tightly To Achieve The Sauna Effect.
2. Make Sure The Temperature Regulator Is Switched Off.
3. Plug The Sauna Belt Into The Mains.
4. Turn The Dial On The Temperature Regulator To The Maximum Position So The Device Heats Up Quickly.
5. At The End Of The Session, Towel Off The Sweat And Wait 15 Or 20 Minutes Before Showering Or Having A Bath, Eating Or Drinking Cold Drinks. Do Not Worry If Your Skin Is Reddish:this Reaction Is Due To The Constant Temperature It Has Been Exposed To And Will Disappear After A Couple Of Hours.
6. Once You Have Finished Your Session, Take Off The Sauna Belt And Spread It Out On A Flat Surface Until It Cools Down. Then Clean It With A Damp Cloth And Dry It. Store In A Dry Place.

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